I've recently changed my OS to windows 10 and setup anaconda 3. The problem is that in Anaconda Navigator (in the Environment tab) when clicking on the create button to make a new virtual environment, after setting a name and the python version (to 3.7 as the only option), the venv won't be created, instead, I get this error:
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/win-
64/current_repodata.json><br>Elapsed: -<br><br>An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this
URL.<br>HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.<br><br>If
your current network has https://www.anaconda.com blocked, please file<br>a support request with your
network engineering team.<br><br>'https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/win-64'<br>
Although I can open this file in my browser: https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/win- 64/current_repodata.json
On the other hand, when I try to make a virtual env following these steps:
mkdir projects
cd projects
mkdir drdr
cd drdr
python -m venv ./venv
Then when I activate the venv like below:
I get:
(venv) (base) C:\Users\shima\projects\drdr>
which I don't know what is (venv) (base). Should I realize it activated or not. Even when I try to activate my venv by the code below:
conda activate venv
I get this message:
Could not find conda environment: venv
Also, after making the venv, when I want to import it in my navigator no matter I choose which folder inside my venv folder, I can't import it
By the way, checking whether firewall allows traffic from anaconda, I cannot find anaconda in the list of allowed apps and trying to add it the list, I don't know what folder inside anaconda's folder I should add
I don't know why this problem has happened, and couldn't find an answer in anaconda documents or others questions here in StackOverflow, so I really appreciate any help in this issue.
Thanks a lot!!
python -m venv ./venv
you are mixng conda
virtual environments with virtualenv
virtual environments, hence all the confusion:
(venv) (base) C:\Users\shima\projects\drdr>
does look strange, because it is. You are in the base
environment of conda, but have activated a virtualenv environment called venv
Could not find conda environment: venv
there is no conda enviroment venv
, you have never created one.
In short:
When using conda, don't use virtualenv, insted use
conda create -n venv
to create a virtual environment and
conda activate venv
to activate it