I am using @ngrx@9.2.0 and I have a reducer that is created in a factory as it is the same for several entities in my project.
function createEntityReducer(initialState, actions) {
const reducer = createReducer(
on(actions.loadAll.success, (state, action) => {
return reducer;
const generalReducer = createEntityReducer(initialState, actions);
But I would like to extend this basic reducer for specific actions of a certain entity.
const specificReducer = createReducer(
on(actions.loadChildren.success, (state, action) => {
How can I merge the two reducers, without having to create nested features, like this?
const reducer = mergeReducers(generalReducer, specificReducer);
After checking how the @ngrx/store/createReducer function works, I compose the below that seems to work correctly.
function mergeReducers<TState>(
...reducers: ActionReducer<TState, Action>[]
): ActionReducer<TState, Action> {
const mergedReducers = (
state: TState | undefined,
action: Action
): TState => {
if (reducers.length === 0) {
throw new Error('At least one reducer was expected');
const newState = reducers.reduce((initialState, reducer) => {
const intermediaryState = reducer(initialState, action);
return intermediaryState;
}, state);
return newState as TState;
return mergedReducers;