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PInvoke PFCreateInterface C#

I am attempting to pinvoke PFCreateInterface in C# for a packet filtering app. However, the example on seems inadequately documented. For starters, once StartPacketFilter() in main is called, how can i remove the packet filter programatically without closing the app? Also, i'm also quite confused about the format of the packet string. I.e hostsToBlock[0] = ",,0"; //blocks all traffic on any port to/from

How would i go about blocking a remote port of 6980 across all ips?

The pinvoke codes are as follows :

/// <summary>
/// IP packet filter management wrapper for Iphlpapi.dll (Win 2000/XP)
/// </summary>
public class IpPacketFilter
    [DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress")]
    public static extern int PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress(
                                    IntPtr Interface_handle,
                                    PFADDRESSTYPE pfatType,
                                    ref int ip_address

    [DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PfCreateInterface")]
    public static extern int PfCreateInterface(
                                    int dwName,
                                    PFFORWARD_ACTION inAction,
                                    PFFORWARD_ACTION outAction,
                                    bool UseLog,
                                    bool MustBeUnique,
                                    ref IntPtr ppInterface



    [DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", EntryPoint = "PfAddFiltersToInterface")]
    public static extern int PfAddFiltersToInterface(
                                    IntPtr interface_handle,
                                    int cInFilters,
                                    ref PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR pfiltIn,
                                    int cOutFilters,
                                    ref PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR pfiltOut,
                                     ref PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR pfHandle


 public unsafe struct PPF_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR
    public FILTER_FLAGS dwFilterFlags;
    public int dwRule;
    public PFADDRESSTYPE pfatType;

    public int* SrcAddr;
    public int* SrcMask;
    public int* DstAddr;
    public int* DstMask;

    public PROTOCOL dwProtocol;
    public int fLateBound;
    public int wSrcPort;
    public int wDstPort;
    public int wSrcPortHighRange;
    public int wDstPortHighRange;
public enum PFFORWARD_ACTION : int

public enum PFADDRESSTYPE : int
public  enum PROTOCOL : int
    ANY = 0x00,
    ICMP = 0x01,
    TCP = 0x06,
    UDP = 0x11

public  enum FILTER_FLAGS : int
    FD_FLAGS = 0x1

class Program {

internal const int FALSE = 0;
internal const int TRUE = 1;

static void Main(string[] args)
    string[] hostsToBlock = new string[2];
    hostsToBlock[0] = ",,0";    //blocks all traffic on any port to/from
    hostsToBlock[1] = ",,29000";        //blocks all traffic on port 29000, in and out

internal static int lIpFromString(string sIpAddress)
    int lIp = 0;
        string[] octets = sIpAddress.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None);

        if (octets.Length != 4)
            return 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            lIp |= (int.Parse(octets[i]) << (i * 8));
    catch { }
    return lIp;

internal static string[] GetLocalIpAddresses()
    IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
    string[] localIpAddresses = new string[host.AddressList.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < host.AddressList.Length; i++)
        localIpAddresses[i] = host.AddressList[i].ToString();
    return localIpAddresses;

internal static bool StartPacketFilter(string[] hosts)
    string[] localIpAddresses = GetLocalIpAddresses();
    if (localIpAddresses == null)
        return false;

    foreach (string localAddress in localIpAddresses)
        int result;
        IntPtr interfaceHandle = new IntPtr();

        //convert the string IP to an unsigned int for p/invoke
        int lLocalIp = lIpFromString(localAddress);

        //create a filter interface in the tcp/ip stack
        result = IpPacketFilter.PfCreateInterface(0, PFFORWARD_ACTION.PF_ACTION_FORWARD, PFFORWARD_ACTION.PF_ACTION_FORWARD, false, true, ref interfaceHandle);
        if (result != 0)
            return false;

        //bind interface to an ip address
        result = IpPacketFilter.PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress(interfaceHandle, PFADDRESSTYPE.PF_IPV4, ref lLocalIp);
        if (result != 0)
            return false;

        foreach (string targetHost in hosts)
            IntPtr filterHandle = new IntPtr();
            string[] hostDetail = targetHost.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            if (hostDetail != null && hostDetail.Length == 3)
                //build the filter structure
                filter.dwFilterFlags = FILTER_FLAGS.FD_FLAGS;
                filter.dwRule = FALSE;
                filter.pfatType = PFADDRESSTYPE.PF_IPV4;
                filter.dwProtocol = PROTOCOL.TCP;

                int iSrcAddr = lLocalIp;
                int iSrcMask = lIpFromString("");
                filter.wSrcPort = 0;
                filter.wSrcPortHighRange = 0;

                int iDstAddr = lIpFromString(hostDetail[0]);
                int iDstMask = lIpFromString(hostDetail[1]);
                filter.wDstPort = int.Parse(hostDetail[2]);
                filter.wDstPortHighRange = int.Parse(hostDetail[2]);

                    filter.SrcAddr = &iSrcAddr;
                    filter.DstAddr = &iDstAddr;
                    filter.SrcMask = &iSrcMask;
                    filter.DstMask = &iDstMask;
                // add filter to interface (both inbound and outbound)
                result = IpPacketFilter.PfAddFiltersToInterface(interfaceHandle, 1, ref filter, 1, ref filter, ref filter);

                if (result != 0)
                    return false;
    return true;



  • After a quick search, I found this: PfRemoveFiltersFromInterface. This seems to do exactly what your asking for.