I am trying my best to learn Python as I recently switched my major and have become infatuated with the world of Computer Science! I genuinely enjoy it however there are times where like a lot of people do get stuck. I am currently doing a Udemy course and trying to tackle one of the first milestones, however it seems like everything comes out accordingly but... results to error... What I have in mind is not complete yet however I do like to test it from time to time just to make sure everything is going according to plan.
I get the following error yet it still gives me the result... Please if anyone has any tips or suggestions that they can give to a beginner that would be much appreciated! (First Post! Be Nice! :') )
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Player 1 are you X or O? X
Please Input a Number 1-9: 6
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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Danny/Desktop/Python/Python Bootcamp/Milestones/TicTacToe.py", line 76, in <module>
File "C:/Users/Danny/Desktop/Python/Python Bootcamp/Milestones/TicTacToe.py", line 17, in display
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
"""This is a TIC TAC TOE GAME!
You need to do the following...
We need to print a board.
Take in player input.
Place their input on the board.
Check if the game is won,tied, lost, or ongoing.
Repeat c and d until the game has been won or tied.
Ask if players want to play again.
Good Luck! """
#Display Board
def display(board):
#Sets up player markers
def player_Marker():
marker = ' '
while marker != 'X' and marker != 'O':
marker = input("Player 1 are you X or O? ")
player1 = marker
if player1 == 'X':
player2 = 'O'
player2 = 'X'
return (player1,player2)
#Takes User Position Input On Board
def player_Choice():
position = 'wrong'
while position not in range(1,10):
position = int(input("Please Input a Number 1-9: "))
return position
#Tack on Inputs to Board
# CLEAN_Board = ['#',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ']
gameon_Board = ['#',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ']
def boardUP(board,position):
turn = 1
if turn == 1:
gameon_Board[position] = player1_Marker
turn = turn - 1
if turn == 0:
gameon_Board[position] = player2_Marker
turn += 1
return display(gameon_Board)
# All Together
game_on = True
gameon_Board = ['#',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ']
while game_on:
player1_Marker , player2_Marker = player_Marker()
position = player_Choice()
gameon_Board = boardUP(gameon_Board,position)
doesn't return anything, it just prints the board. So the default return value is None
But boardUP()
ends with return display(gameon_Board)
, so it's returning that None
And then you assign this result back to the variable with
gameon_Board = boardUP(gameon_Board,position)
So after the first iteration, gameon_Board
no longer contains the list of board elements, it contains None
. And then when you try to access its subscripts you get an error.
Also, you pass the board as an argument to boardUP
, but it never uses it; it uses the global variable instead. You should use the parameter.
Change the function to:
def boardUP(board,position):
turn = 1
if turn == 1:
board[position] = player1_Marker
turn = turn - 1
if turn == 0:
board[position] = player2_Marker
turn += 1
return board