I am trying to have my x tick evenly spaced using matplotlib.
here is the problem plot; the code is below
Issue: The x axis bars and values are not evenly spaced, despite my best efforts
I would appreciate any and all help, thank you!
here is the code im trying to plot
# define and store student IDs
student_IDs = np.array([1453,1454,1456,1457,1459,1460,1462,1463,1464,1465,1466, 1467, 1468, 1469,1470])
before_IP_abs_scores = np.array([51,56,73,94,81,83,71,36,43,83,66,62,70,50,83])
after_IP_abs_scores = np.array([65,60,82,71,65,85,78,51,34,80,63,63,62,55,77])
change_IP_abs_scores = after_IP_abs_scores - before_IP_abs_scores
Here is how i store the valuables from this array
ip_sc = collections.OrderedDict()
for ii in student_IDs:
ip_sc[ii] = []
for count, key in enumerate(student_IDs):
sci_id[key] = [before_science_ID_abs_scores[count],after_science_ID_abs_scores[count],change_science_ID_abs_scores[count]]
ip_sc[key] = [before_IP_abs_scores[count],after_IP_abs_scores[count],change_IP_abs_scores[count]]
Here is my plotting code:
fig = plt.figure(4)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
# ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
for ii in student_IDs:
# plt.plot([1,2], ip_sc[ii][:-1],label=r'${}$'.format(ii))
ax.bar(ii, ip_sc[ii][0], width=.5, color='#30524F',edgecolor="white",hatch="//",align='center')
ax.bar(ii, ip_sc[ii][1], width=.5, color='#95BC89',align='center')
ax.bar(ii, ip_sc[ii][2], width=.5, color='#4D8178',align='center')
plt.ylabel('Absolute Score',size=30)
plt.xlabel('Student ID',size=30)
plt.title('IP Scale Scores',size=30)
plt.axhspan(0, 40, facecolor='navy', alpha=0.2,)
plt.axhspan(40, 60, facecolor='#95BC89', alpha=0.2)
plt.axhspan(60, 100, facecolor='seagreen', alpha=0.3)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=16)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=16)
plt.xticks(student_IDs, ['1453','1454','1456','1457','1459', '1460', '1462', '1463', '1464','1465', '1466', '1467', '1468', '1469', '1470'])
# ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 81, 10))
ax.legend(labels=["Intense and Frequent IP ","Moderate IP ","few IP ",'Pre', 'Post','Change'],fontsize=15)
The student_ids aren't numbered consecutive.
Instead of using the student_ids as x-values, you could just use their index as x. With set_xticklabels
you can thereafter set the student_ids as label corresponding to these positions.
So, you could make following modifications to the code (leaving out the call to plt.xticks
for ind, stud_id in enumerate(student_IDs):
ax.bar(ind, ip_sc[stud_id][0], width=.5, color='#30524F', edgecolor="white", hatch="//", align='center')
ax.bar(ind, ip_sc[stud_id][1], width=.5, color='#95BC89', align='center')
ax.bar(ind, ip_sc[stud_id][2], width=.5, color='#4D8178', align='center')