We are using Intellij IDEA 2020.1 Community Edition for Windows for development using the Azure DevOps plugin. We recently upgraded from 2019.2.2. We originally had problems with server certificates for the TFS server. We could contact the server by allowing Intellij to automatically accept unknown certificates. However, we couldn't pull a TFVC repo. Here is the stack trace for the error
We solved that on the old version by dropping the cacerts file we were given by the company into the .IdeaC2019.2\system\tasks directory. That didn't work on this version. We are able to browse the TFVC collection, but we can't create a workspace. We are able to get to the TFS repository from Chrome.
Thank you in advance for any help.
EDIT: The problem seems to be in the Microsoft tf command line utility. We are in virtual desktops that are very tightly locked down (extremely risk-sensitive business), so we can't put the cert in the default java keystore. The old tf utility had a profile command that would allow you to set properties. It doesn't exist now.
We solved the problem by creating a separate trust store and importing the certificates. Then we edited the tf script that the plugin uses. We added the TF_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_ARGS environment variable as below (Your paths will be different):
set TF_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_ARGS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IdealIC2020.1\tasks\cacerts -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit