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How to append and prepend a character on the mat input?

I have my html file as

<div class="space-between-items">
        <mat-label>NEC LEC</mat-label>
        <input #neclec matInput formControlName="necLec"  autocomplete="off" 
           [minLength]="NEC_LEC_MIN_LENGTH" [maxLength]="NEC_LEC_MAX_LENGTH"
     <mat-checkbox color="primary" formControlName="chkNecLec"></mat-checkbox>

When i save enter something in this field, it updates the grid as it is right now. How do i have it automatically add the braces to my input.

enter image description here

i want it to be saved with the braces all the time without having to manually entering the braces on the input so that when I enter 'REC' it would appear as (REC) in the grid.


  • Below solutions might work for you.

    function myfunc(value){
        value = "(" + value;
        value = value + ")"
      document.getElementById("abc").value = value;
    <input id="abc" type="text" onKeyUp="myfunc(value)" value="()"/>