I am trying to multiply the index of the image with image pixel value intensity by two for loops. but sometimes the code was interrupted early with " finished with exit code 11" error after some loop. PS, I use Mac with Clion IDE, can someone help me!!!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <cmath>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
int main(int argc,char** argv){
vector<cv::Point2d> Orientation(vector<cv::KeyPoint>& ,cv::Mat & );
std::string Img_dir="/Users/mars_zhang/Downloads/A/1.png";
cv::Mat ImgCOLOR,Img,Imgout,Test;
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> Keypoints;
cv::Ptr<cv::FastFeatureDetector> Feature_Detector=cv::FastFeatureDetector::create(160) ;
std::cout<< Img.size<<std::endl;
vector<cv::Point2d> Coordination;
cout<< Coordination[0]<<endl;
cout<<"The Img type is = " << Img.type() << endl;
vector<cv::Point2d> Orientation(vector<cv::KeyPoint> &Keypoints,cv::Mat & Img)
int Xbound,Ybound,X,Y;
Ybound = Img.rows - 8;
Xbound = Img.cols - 8;
vector<cv::Point2d> Coordination;
cout<<"Find "<< Keypoints.size()<<" Keypoints"<<endl;
for (auto &kp :Keypoints){
X = kp.pt.x,
Y = kp.pt.y;
cv::Point Point;
if ((8 < X < Xbound) & (8 < Y < Ybound)) {
int m10 = 0, m01 = 0, m00 = 0 ,pixel;
for (int x_idx = X - 7; x_idx < X + 7; x_idx++)
for (int y_idx = Y - 7; y_idx < Y + 7; y_idx++)
pixel=(int)Img.at<uchar>(x_idx, y_idx);
cout<<"The pixel at "<<x_idx<<" "<<y_idx<<"==="<<pixel<<endl;
Point.x += x_idx * pixel;
Point.y += y_idx * pixel;
m00 += pixel;
return Coordination;
int X=10;
int Xbound=2;
std::cout << (8 < X < Xbound) << "!\n";
will give you 1 .
(8 < 10)=true=1 and 1 < 2
dont combine conditions this way, use (8 < X && X < Xbound).