I have a sub, which shows the % difference between a current hourly/annual pay & new hourly/annual pay.
Private Sub txtNewPayRate_Change()
Const HrsPerYr As Long = 2080 'Work Hours in Year
Dim CurrentPayRate As Double, NewPayRate As Double
Dim PercentChange As Double
On Error Resume Next
CurrentPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtCurrentPayRate) 'current hourly/annual pay
NewPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtNewPayRate) 'new hourly/annual pay
If NewPayRate > 100 Then
NewPayRate = NewPayRate / HrsPerYr
End If 'new hourly/annual pay
PercentChange = (NewPayRate - CurrentPayRate) / CurrentPayRate
txtPercentage.Value = Format(PercentChange, "0.00%")
If Me.cmbHourlyAnnual = "Hourly" Then
Me.txtNewHourlyPay = Format(NewPayRate, "0.00")
Me.txtNewAnnualPay = CStr(NewPayRate * HrsPerYr)
ElseIf Me.cmbHourlyAnnual = "Annual" Then
Me.txtNewHourlyPay = Format(NewPayRate / HrsPerYr, "0.00")
Me.txtNewAnnualPay = CStr(NewPayRate)
End If
End Sub
I come across a percentchange
mishap when this scenario happens:
employee enters in an hourly rate in CurrentPayRate
but then an annual figure in the NewPayRate
example: employee enters $25/hr in the current, but then enters $60,000 in the new pay rate because they're moving to an annual figure. This allows the % change to be something like 1000000% increase.
Unsure if this is doable to compare it and properly show the increase as if it were an hourly rate (even if an annual rate is typed in?)
Since most likely nobody is paid more than idk.. 5000$/hour, you can add an if loop that determine if the entry is an hourly vs annualy rate :
If Newpayrate > x 'the max hourly rate you think about
Newpayrate = Newpayrate/HrsPerYr