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Vuex -- Help me understand the behavior of array findIndex

I'm having trouble with the following code (will explain after) within a Vue SPA component:

const accountArray = Array.from(Object.values(this.accounts)[0]) // [0 is the sub-array I need, and won't change]
const urlId = this.$ // 3
const i = accountArray.findIndex(account => === urlId) // -1

console.log(i) // -1, as it didnt found any matches
console.log(urlId) // 3

The this.accounts is a computed property that returns an Observable object, and it works as expected (the 0 index is the sub-array of interest), hence my looping on it. The accountArray variable also returns the array that I want to iterate over (it has an account with id = 3), but when it comes to the iteration predicate, it ALWAYS returns -1 when it should be returning 2. Also, if I hard-code 3 instead of urlId, it returns the 2 that I'm looking for. Why?

When I print the accountArray, the output is the following:

enter image description here

I've made sure that this is not a Vuex reactivity problem, because I can refresh the page and it still returns me the arrays I need. What I'm missing here?

Thanks in advance!


  • You're using === comparison which expects the same value and same data type which is not true for your case. Your is number and your urlId coming from route params is a string (3 !== "3").

    Try converting route params id to a number before comparing it to

    const urlId = +this.$ // 3

    Notice + sign in front of this.$ used to convert a string to a number.

    As an alternative, you could compare it using == which would return true for your 3 == "3" case, but I suggest you to stick to the first advice.