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How to solve the ransom note problem functionally

Write a function that given a list of letters what and a word, returns true if the word can be spelt using the letters from the list and false if not. For example a list like


and the word


the function should return true. If the word was bbed it should also return false because there is only one b in the list.

This is easy enough to do imperatively by mutating the state of the dictionary in a for loop but how can one do it in a more functional style without mutation?

Here's the imperative version I did:

open System.Collections.Generic

let letters = new Dictionary<char,int>()
[ ('a', 2); ('b', 1); ('c', 1); ('e', 1) ] |> Seq.iter letters.Add

let can_spell (word : string) =
    let mutable result = true
    for x in word do
        if letters.ContainsKey x && letters.[x] > 0 then
            let old = letters.[x]
            letters.[x] <- old - 1
            result <- false


  • You can use 2 dictionaries to keep track of the counts by letter of the word and the existing letters and then check that the letter count is greater than the word letter count:

    let contains (word:string)(letters:IDictionary<char,int>) = 
        let w = word
                |>Seq.countBy id
        |> k-> letters.ContainsKey k && letters.[k] >= w.[k])

    and you can use it like this

    let letters = 
        [ ('a', 2); ('b', 1); ('c', 1); ('e', 1); ('d', 1)] 
        |> dict
    contains "bed" letters // True