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WPF prism: using command on toggleswitch

I want to use a delegate command with a Horizontaltoggleswitch that is fired when the switch is toggled. I use delegate commands with button and also with textboxes (where the Event is fired when the enterkey is pressed), but I cant find how to solve that with toggleswitch? I tried this: XAML:

        <toggleSwitch:HorizontalToggleSwitch CheckedContent="Open" UncheckedContent="Closed" IsChecked="{Binding SubstrateValveOpen,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
                <KeyBinding Command="{Binding SubstrateCommand}" Key="??"/>


        private bool _substrateValveOpen;
        public bool SubstrateValveOpen
            get => _substrateValveOpen;
            set => SetProperty(ref _substrateValveOpen, value);
         public DelegateCommand SubstrateCommand => new DelegateCommand(Substrate, CanSubstrate);


but I dont really know what to do with the Event. thanks for any idea!


  • The command is completely superfluous here. The property should do everything here.

    Reminder: a property ist not just a field with PropertyChanged...

    private bool _substrateValveOpen;
    public bool SubstrateValveOpen
        get => _substrateValveOpen;
            if (value && !_substrateValveOpen && !CanSubstrate())
            if (SetProperty(ref _substrateValveOpen, value) && value)