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GeoMesa Spark can't use UDF functions

I wanted to use GeoMesa UDF functions in Java, but I can't seem to use any of the functions, I have these imports related to GeoMesa:

import org.locationtech.jts.geom.*;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.*;
import org.locationtech.geomesa.spark.jts.*;

but I can not use any of the UDF functions in it:

dataset.withColumn("column", st_makePoint(...));

I have these Maven dependencies:


it doesn't recognize st_makePoint at all, what can I do about this?


  • In order to add the geospatial UDF and UDTs to a Spark Session, one needs to call one of two pathways. For just JTS support, one can follow the steps here: (basically, to call .withJTS on the Spark Session).

    Alternatively, creating a dataframe from a GeoMesa data source using Spark SQL should register the UDTs and UDFs as well. (

    A full list of the supported geospatial functions is here:

    As an edit, the Spark SQL API, DataFrame API, and PySpark APIs each require separate bindings in GeoMesa. In the event that I'm wrong, then the failure to be able to use a function from the Spark SQL Functions documentation in one of the other APIs is a bug and should be filled at the GeoMesa JIRA here: