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Retrofit adds random number in query parameter?

I am calling a GET API which takes a query parameter, "par", the query parameter contains an encrypted string. The encrypted string contains a JSON data, the issue occurs when the API is called, random strings are added. For instance, this is an encrypted string


but when I make the API call the same string becomes


Here is my code:

        Call<ResponseBody> getKey(@QueryMap Map<String,String> map);

  Map<String,String> jsonMap=new HashMap<String,String>();


Call<ResponseBody> callSendOTP=RetrofitSingleton.getInstance().get_Api().getKey(jsonMap);

Using interceptor, I got this:



  • In Retrofit2 Parameter names and values are URL encoded by default. You need to add encoded = true to change this behaviour.

    void createMyStuff(
         @Header("X-Signature") String authorization,
         @Query(value="nickname", encoded = true) String nickname,
         @Query("language") String language,
         Callback<MyAPIResponse> cb);