I am currently in the process of fixing a bootloader I wrote to load my custom real-mode x86 kernel (SYS.BIN
). I managed to get it to read the root directory and FAT, and load a small-ish kernel from the filesystem, all within the bootsector. However, I began testing it with larger kernels, and it seems that the bootloader will not load more than one cluster. I checked my code against another similar bootloader, and it seems to be doing effectively the same thing when it comes to loading multi-cluster files. The main difference is that I am loading the first FAT into segment 0x3000
and the root directory into segment 0x3800
, so that they will be accessible to the kernel. (Did I mess up segmentation at all?)
I should probably mention that I'm testing this by compiling with NASM, writing the resulting BOOT.BIN
file to the first sector of a raw 32M image, mounting it on a loop device, copying SYS.BIN
over, and creating a new image of that loop device, which I then throw into QEMU as a hard drive. I know with certainty that it is only loading the first cluster of the file.
In particular, I believe the code that is causing the issue is likely in here:
mov si, msg_load_cluster
call print_str ; Print message
mov ax, word [cluster] ; Our cluster number
sub ax, 0x0002 ; Clusters begin at #2
mul byte [sectors_cluster] ; Multiply by number of sectors
mov dx, ax ; Save in DX
call calc_root_start ; Start of root directory
add ax, 0x20 ; Root directory is 32 sectors
add ax, dx ; Add to the number of sectors
call calc_chs_ls ; Convert this Logical sector to CHS
mov ax, 0x2000
mov es, ax ; Load the kernel into this segment
mov bx, word [buffer_pointer] ; At this offset
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
mov al, byte [sectors_cluster] ; 1 cluster
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
jnc .next_cluster ; If no error, set up for the next cluster
call reset_disk ; Otherwise, reset the disk
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
mov al, byte [sectors_cluster] ; 1 cluster
int 0x13 ; Try again
jc reboot ; If failed again, reboot
mov ax, 0x3000
mov ds, ax ; Segment where the FAT is loaded
mov si, word [cluster] ; Our cluster number
shl si, 0x1 ; There are two bytes per entry in FAT16
mov ax, word [ds:si] ; DS:SI is pointing to the FAT entry
mov word [cluster], ax ; The entry contains our next cluster
cmp ax, 0xFFF8 ; Is this the end of the file?
mov ax, 0x0200
mul word [sectors_cluster]
add word [buffer_pointer], ax ; Advance pointer by one cluster
jb .load_cluster ; If not, load next cluster
And here is my full code, including the BPB:
jmp strict short main
; BIOS Parameter Block
; This was made to match up with the BPB of a blank 32M image formatted as FAT16.
bytes_sector dw 0x0200 ; Number of bytes per sector (DO NOT CHANGE)
sectors_cluster db 0x04 ; Number of sectors per cluster
reserved dw 0x0001 ; Number of sectors reserved for bootsector
fats db 0x02 ; Number of FAT copies
root_entries dw 0x0200 ; Max number of root entries (DO NOT CHANGE)
sectors dw 0x0000 ; Number of sectors in volume (small)
media_type db 0xF8 ; Media descriptor
sectors_fat dw 0x0040 ; Number of sectors per FAT
sectors_track dw 0x0020 ; Number of sectors per Track (It's a LIE)
heads dw 0x0040 ; Number of heads (It's a LIE)
sectors_hidden dd 0x00000000 ; Number of hidden sectors
sectors_large dd 0x00010000 ; Number of sectors in volume (large)
drive_num db 0x80 ; Drive number
db 0x00 ; Reserved byte
extended_sig db 0x29 ; Next three fields are available
serial dd 0x688B221B ; Volume serial number
label db "NATE " ; Volume label
filesystem db "FAT16 " ; Volume filesystem type
; Main bootloader code
mov ax, 0x07C0 ; Segment we're loaded at
mov ds, ax
add ax, 0x0020 ; 32-paragraph bootloader
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x1000 ; 4K stack
mov byte [boot_drive_num], dl ; Save boot drive number
mov ah, 0x08 ; Read disk geometry
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
mov dl, dh
mov dh, 0x00
inc dl
mov word [heads], dx ; The true number of heads
mov ch, 0x00
and ch, 0x3F
mov word [sectors_track], cx ; The true number of sectors per track
mov si, msg_load
call print_str ; Print message
mov ax, 0x3000
mov es, ax ; Load FAT into this segment
mov bx, 0x0000
mov ax, word [reserved] ; First sector of FAT 1
call calc_chs_ls ; Convert to CHS address
mov ax, word [sectors_fat] ; Read the entire FAT
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
jnc .load_root ; If no error, load the root directory
jmp reboot ; Otherwise, reboot
mov si, msg_load
call print_str ; Print message
mov ax, 0x3800
mov es, ax ; Load root directory into this segment
call calc_root_start ; First sector of root directory
call calc_chs_ls ; Convert to CHS address
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
mov al, 0x20 ; Root directory is 32 sectors (512/512 = 1)
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
jnc .search_init ; If no error, begin searching
call reset_disk ; Otherwise, reset the disk
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
mov al, 0x20 ; Root directory is 32 sectors (512/512 = 1)
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
jc reboot ; If error, reboot
mov si, msg_search_root
call print_str ; Print message
mov ax, 0x07C0
mov ds, ax ; The segment we are loaded at
mov ax, 0x3800
mov es, ax ; The segment the root directory is loaded at
mov di, 0x0000 ; Offset 0
mov cx, word [root_entries] ; Number of entries to look through
push cx ; Save this to stack
mov cx, 0x000B ; Compare the first 11 bytes
mov si, kern_filename ; This should be the filename
push di ; Save our location
repe cmpsb ; Compare!
pop di ; Restore our location
pop cx ; Restore the remaining entries
je .found_entry ; If the filenames are the same, we found the entry!
add di, 0x0020 ; Otherwise, move to next entry
loop .check_entry ; And repeat
jmp reboot_fatal ; If we've gone through everything, it's missing
mov ax, word [es:di+0x1A]
mov word [cluster], ax ; The starting cluster number
mov si, msg_load_cluster
call print_str ; Print message
mov ax, word [cluster] ; Our cluster number
sub ax, 0x0002 ; Clusters begin at #2
mul byte [sectors_cluster] ; Multiply by number of sectors
mov dx, ax ; Save in DX
call calc_root_start ; Start of root directory
add ax, 0x20 ; Root directory is 32 sectors
add ax, dx ; Add to the number of sectors
call calc_chs_ls ; Convert this Logical sector to CHS
mov ax, 0x2000
mov es, ax ; Load the kernel into this segment
mov bx, word [buffer_pointer] ; At this offset
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
mov al, byte [sectors_cluster] ; 1 cluster
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
jnc .next_cluster ; If no error, set up for the next cluster
call reset_disk ; Otherwise, reset the disk
mov ah, 0x02 ; Read disk sectors
mov al, byte [sectors_cluster] ; 1 cluster
int 0x13 ; Try again
jc reboot ; If failed again, reboot
mov ax, 0x3000
mov ds, ax ; Segment where the FAT is loaded
mov si, word [cluster] ; Our cluster number
shl si, 0x1 ; There are two bytes per entry in FAT16
mov ax, word [ds:si] ; DS:SI is pointing to the FAT entry
mov word [cluster], ax ; The entry contains our next cluster
cmp ax, 0xFFF8 ; Is this the end of the file?
mov ax, 0x0200
mul word [sectors_cluster]
add word [buffer_pointer], ax ; Advance pointer by one cluster
jb .load_cluster ; If not, load next cluster
mov si, msg_ready
call print_str ; Otherwise, we are ready to jump!
mov ah, 0x00 ; Wait and read from keyboard
int 0x16 ; BIOS keyboard interrupt
mov dl, byte [boot_drive_num] ; Provide the drive number to the kernel
jmp 0x2000:0x0000 ; Jump!
; Calculation routines
calc_root_start: ; Calculate the first sector of the root directory
push dx ; Push register states to stack
mov ax, word [sectors_fat] ; Start with the number of sectors per FAT
mov dh, 0x00
mov dl, byte [fats]
mul dx ; Multiply by the number of FATs
add ax, word [reserved] ; Add the number of reserved sectors
pop dx ; Restore register states
ret ; Return to caller
calc_chs_ls: ; Setup Cylinder-Head-Sector from LBA (AX)
mov dx, 0x0000
div word [sectors_track]
mov cl, dl
inc cl ; Sector number
mov dx, 0x0000
div word [heads]
mov dh, dl ; The remainder is the head number
mov ch, al ; The quotient is the cylinder number
mov dl, byte [boot_drive_num] ; Drive number
ret ; Return to caller
; Other routines
print_str: ; Print string in SI
pusha ; Push register states to stack
mov ax, 0x07C0
mov ds, ax ; Segment in which we are loaded
mov ah, 0x0E ; Teletype output
mov bh, 0x00 ; Page 0
lodsb ; Load next character
cmp al, 0x00 ; Is it a NULL character?
je .end ; If so, we are done
int 0x10 ; Otherwise, BIOS VGA interrupt
jmp .char ; Repeat
mov ah, 0x03 ; Get cursor position
int 0x10 ; BIOS VGA interrupt
mov ah, 0x02 ; Set cursor position
inc dh ; One row down
mov dl, 0x00 ; Far left
int 0x10 ; BIOS VGA interrupt
popa ; Restore register states
ret ; Return to caller
reset_disk: ; Reset the disk
push ax ; Push register states to stack
mov si, msg_retrying
call print_str ; Print message
mov ah, 0x00 ; Reset disk
mov dl, byte [boot_drive_num]
int 0x13 ; BIOS disk interrupt
jc reboot_fatal ; If there was an error, reboot
pop ax ; Otherwise, restore register states
ret ; Return to caller
reboot_fatal: ; Display FATAL
mov si, msg_fatal
call print_str ; Print message
reboot: ; Prompt user to press a key and reboot
mov si, msg_reboot
call print_str ; Print message
mov si, msg_ready
call print_str ; Print message
mov ah, 0x00 ; Wait and read from keyboard
int 0x16 ; BIOS keyboard interrupt
int 0x19 ; Reboot
; Data
cluster dw 0x0000
buffer_pointer dw 0x0000
boot_drive_num db 0x00
msg_retrying db "RE", 0x00
msg_fatal db "FATL", 0x00
msg_reboot db "X", 0x00
msg_search_root db "Srch", 0x00
msg_load_cluster db "Clstr", 0x00
msg_ready db "GO", 0x00
msg_load db "Press a key", 0x00
kern_filename db "SYS BIN"
times 510-($-$$) db 0x00 ; Pad remainder of bootsector with zeroes
boot_sig dw 0xAA55 ; Boot signature
Thanks in advance for your help.
Update: I ran this in the BOCHS debugger, and it seems as though the program is loading the word in cluster
as 0x0003
under .load_cluster
, but then as 0x0000
under .next_cluster
a few instructions later.
Your mov ax, word [ds:si]
has an unneeded ds
segment override.
This is also related to your problem with the variables, the memory accesses use ds
as the default segment. So after mov ax, 0x3000
\ mov ds, ax
you are not accessing your original variables any longer.
You have to reset ds
to 7C0h, as your loader uses the default org 0
. Your print_str
function does reset ds
like that. But the mov si, word [cluster]
and everything between the FAT word access in .next_cluster
and up to .jump
uses the wrong ds
. To correct this, change your code like this for example:
mov si, word [cluster]
shl si, 0x1
push ds
mov ax, 0x3000
mov ds, ax
mov ax, word [si]
pop ds
mov word [cluster], ax
Another error: The jb
just before .jump
uses the Carry Flag. However, the flag is not retained from the cmp
as you want, because add
certainly (and mul
possibly) overwrites the Carry Flag.
More issues:
You assume the root directory size.
You assume the sector size. (To be fair, a lot of loaders do that.)
You assume that the FAT fits in 64 KiB. It can actually grow to nearly 128 KiB.
In mov ax, word [sectors_fat]
\ mov ah, 0x02
the second write overwrites the top half of ax
so this only works for FATs with at most 255 sectors.
You assume that you can read up to 255 sectors with one int 13h
call. This can be wrong for ROM-BIOSes which, eg, do not support track-crossing read requests. This is why most loaders load one sector at a time.
You assume your kernel will fit in 64 KiB.
You assume you can load the kernel entirely as mapped from the FAT. With large cluster sizes this may be impossible, which is a reason most load protocols only load up to a certain amount of data.
In inc dl
\ mov word [heads], dx
you should use inc dx
In and ch, 0x3F
\ mov word [sectors_track], cx
you meant to use and cl, 3Fh
In mul dx
\ add ax, word [reserved]
you should add adc dx, 0
You are using 16-bit sector numbers more generally. This is okay for a toy example. Modern loaders use 32-bit sector numbers.
You are using the CHS disk read interface (normal int 13h
). There is also the LBA interface (int 13h
extensions). It is only required if the CHS geometry is unknown or works out to too small a range of accessible sectors.
You are using int 13h ah=08h
to retrieve the CHS geometry. This call is not supported for all disks or ROM-BIOSes. (Especially diskettes may not support it, but those also use FAT12 as their file system which you don't support.)
You are not using the hidden sectors, though in your BPB this is zero anyway. If you want to load from a partition (in an MBR-partitioned scheme) you will need to add them to get the unit sector numbers from those relative to the file system.