I am making a simple Personality Quiz where based on the results it will display a certain image into the ImageView on my Main Storyboard. In QuestionData.Swift I have used the following switch statement:
var image: UIImage { //personality image
switch self { //Checking what answer it matches to
case .open: return UIImage(named: "football.jpg")!
case .conscience: return UIImage(named: "football.jpg")!
case .extra: return UIImage(named: "football.jpg")!
case .agree: return UIImage(named: "football.jpg")!
case .neuro: return UIImage(named: "football.png")! //for testing purposes all images are the same
In my ResultsViewController:
@IBOutlet weak var resultsImage: UIImageView!
//function code goes here
resultsImage = mostCommonAnswer.image //matches image to personality result
I get the error 'Cannot assign value of type 'UIImage' to type 'UIImageView''
Any ideas how to fix this?
You need to set your image to UIImage
property of UIImageView
resultsImage.image = mostCommonAnswer.image