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How to read a special line in .txt file using Fortran?

I have a .txt file, which has next special lines:

1 2 5 10

I want to read numbers after comment line !INPUT_PARAMETERS. So, if i have:

integer:: A,B,C,D

I want to receive that A=1,B=2,C=5,D=10. How can i achieve that?


  • I've got a snippet of code I use which might be useful,

    ! Locate file in input
    subroutine locate(fileid, keyword, have_data)
        implicit none
        integer,intent(in)          :: fileid               ! File unit number
        character(len=*),intent(in) :: keyword              ! Input keyword 
        logical,intent(out)         :: have_data            ! Flag: input found
        character*(100)             :: linestring           ! First 100 chars
        integer                     :: keyword_length       ! Length of keyword
        integer                     :: io                   ! File status flag
        keyword_length = len(keyword)
        ! Loop until end of file or keyword found
            ! Read first 100 characters of line
            read (fileid,'(a)',iostat=io) linestring
            ! If end of file is reached, exit
            if ( then 
                have_data = .false.
            end if
            ! If the first characters match keyword, exit
            if (linestring(1:keyword_length).eq.keyword) then
                have_data = .true.
        end do
    end subroutine locate

    where this is called as follows,

    call locate(infileid, '!INPUT_PARAMETERS', found)
    if (found) then
        !You can do error checking with readin flag
        read(infileid,*, IOSTAT=readin) a, b, c, d
        !Set default values
        a = 0;  b = 0
        c = 0;  d = 0