I have a model:
class Student(models.Model):
('Title_Mr', ('Mr')),
('Title_Ms', ('Ms')),
Name = models.CharField(max_length = 25, default = '')
Title = models.CharField(max_length = 32, choices = TITLE, blank=True, null = True)
with choices and with the Import-Export feature, I want to import students, who have "Mr" or "Ms" as title values.
What I tried was from this answer Django import-export choices field
but apparently this is for exporting? What to do if I want to import it. Here is my resources.py
from import_export import resources, fields
from main.models import Schulungsteilnehmer
class StudentsResource(resources.ModelResource):
Title = fields.Field(attribute='get_Title_display', column_name=('Title'))
class Meta:
model = Student
import_id_fields = ('StudentID',)
I can import without problem, but the choicefields are empty, when I click on a student in Admin panel to edit for example. how can I save the values as choice selection values?
Looking at the documentation for choices:
The first element in each tuple is the actual value to be set on the model, and the second element is the human-readable name.
So in your case, 'Title_Mr' or 'Title_Ms' is going to be the value stored in the database.
This means that you would be able to import successfully if you defined your Title
field in Resource
as follows:
title = fields.Field(attribute='title', column_name='Title')
(I've made field names lower-case according to style guidelines)
is the attribute on the Model class which is going to be set.
is the name of the header in the import file.
This will only work if the data in the import file matches the choices
declaration (e.g. 'Title_Mr')
However, you said the source data is either 'Mr' or 'Ms'. To solve this, the easiest way would be to make 'Mr' and 'Ms' the values of the choices
('Mr', ('Mr')),
('Ms', ('Ms')),
But if this is not possible, then you will have to create a custom widget, which can parse the source data (e.g. 'Mr') and translate it to the correct value (e.g. 'Title_Mr').
For help with creating custom widgets, there are examples in the source.