I have an object like below;
var json = @"{
'TableNumber': '3',
'TableId': '81872d39-9480-4d2d-abfc-b8e4f33a43b6',
'tableMenuItems': [
'Id': '4664a2d3-c0af-443d-8af5-2bd21e71838b',
'Name': 'Bonfile',
'tableMenuItemCondiment': [
'Id': '9b1f01a0-0313-46b6-b7f1-003c0e846136',
'Name': 'Kekikkli',
'Price': 0
'Id': '38a9cce6-f20c-4f78-b6c9-c15e79ecc8f1',
'Name': 'mayonez',
'Price': 0
'Id': 'cb3a7811-668b-4e45-bce3-e6b2b13af9e1',
'Name': 'Rare',
'Price': 0
'Price': 45,
'Count': 1
'Id': '4664a2d3-c0af-443d-8af5-2bd21e71838b',
'Name': 'Bonfile',
'tableMenuItemCondiment': [
'Id': 'c3c62f7d-987d-4523-849c-932334db4e4f',
'Name': 'Kekikkli',
'Price': 0
'Id': 'cbb16028-6e77-4e4b-a1c9-d969e804f093',
'Name': 'mayonez',
'Price': 0
'Id': '16f9efc2-73d3-4a09-87fc-e1fb76957ed2',
'Name': 'Rare',
'Price': 0
'Price': 45,
'Count': 1
'TotalPrice': 90
As you see above, the object has element of list as tableMenuItems. There are two object in tableMenuItems property and this are completly identical. I want to group this object like below;
var json = @"{
'TableNumber': '3',
'TableId': '81872d39-9480-4d2d-abfc-b8e4f33a43b6',
'tableMenuItems': [
'Id': '4664a2d3-c0af-443d-8af5-2bd21e71838b',
'Name': 'Bonfile',
'tableMenuItemCondiment': [
'Id': '9b1f01a0-0313-46b6-b7f1-003c0e846136',
'Name': 'Kekikkli',
'Price': 0
'Id': '38a9cce6-f20c-4f78-b6c9-c15e79ecc8f1',
'Name': 'mayonez',
'Price': 0
'Id': 'cb3a7811-668b-4e45-bce3-e6b2b13af9e1',
'Name': 'Rare',
'Price': 0
'Price': 90,
'Count': 2
'TotalPrice': 90
As you see if two tablemenuitems is same and their condiment is same i grouping them. I made some IEqualityComparer for gruping but it's not work what i excepted.
Here is what i did you see below link;
I don't understand what i did wrong
1 ) I've created my classes to meet json,
public class MyTable {
public string TableNumber { get; set; }
public string TableId { get; set; }
public List<TableMenu> tableMenuItems { get; set; }
public int TotalPrice { get; set; }
public class TableMenu {
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<TableMenuItemCondiment> tableMenuItemCondiment { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
public class TableMenuItemCondiment {
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
2 ) Then i've deserialized object by NewtonSoft,
MyTable myTable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyTable>(json);
3 ) Converted object as,
MyTable result = new MyTable() {
TableNumber = myTable.TableNumber,
TableId = myTable.TableId,
tableMenuItems = myTable.tableMenuItems.GroupBy(x => x.Id).Select(x => new TableMenu() {
Id = x.Key,
Name = x.First()?.Name,
tableMenuItemCondiment = x.SelectMany(a=>a.tableMenuItemCondiment).GroupBy(z => z.Name).Select(z => new TableMenuItemCondiment() {
Id = z.First()?.Id,
Name = z.Key,
Price = z.Sum(t => t.Price)
Price = x.Sum(t => t.Price),
Count = x.Sum(t => t.Count)
TotalPrice = myTable.TotalPrice
4 ) Finally serialized object to see whether it gives the response as you want,
string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
5 ) Print the output,
{ "TableNumber":"3",
"TotalPrice":90 }