I followed a tutorial to make a Tic-Tac-Toe app and am now trying to add further functionality on my own.
The draw condition is the main hurdle I am stuck at. Each tile in the tic tac toe grid is it's own Angular Component that has been created using *ngFor directive. Here's that code.
*ngFor="let val of squares; let i = index"
Upon clicking, the button checks for a pre existing value and then if absent, applies a value (X or O) based on whose turn it is.
I have tried using click count based methods but none have panned out. Also, the winning condition is designed so that if a variable "winner" is no longer null, it would announce whatever is in winner variable. Here's the code for that.
<h2 *ngIf="winner">
Player {{ winner }} won the game!
Is there any way I can design a flag for each button that can be used to detect if all of them have values in them, thereby implying that the game has resulted in a draw?
You already have everything in place. Just, in the parent component, add an additional check for an array of squares
. If it is filled with Ok values, set winner to true.
It might look like this
this.winner = this.squares.every(x=>x===true)
Instead of true, use the value you are using.