I have searched the reactstrap
docs but unfortunately it only provides DropdownMenu:right
property. What I wanted to achieve is to somehow auto align the drop menu on the bottom such that it won't overflow.
import {
} from "reactstrap";
<UncontrolledButtonDropdown direction="left">
<DropdownToggle color="secondary" size="sm">
<i className="pe-7s-more btn-icon-wrapper"></i>
<DropdownItem onClick={some_action}>{some_label}</DropdownItem>
Is there any way i can get around this issue?
This happens because of your overflow: hidden/scroll/auto
container. This is standard CSS behavior in that it will hide the content that no longer fits the container's defined dimensions. Reactstrap handles this scenario with the positionFixed
prop. This will simply position the popover item as a fixed
element so that it is no longer relative to the overflow: hidden/scroll/auto
container unless the container has transform
<DropdownMenu positionFixed={true}>
CodeSandBox: https://codesandbox.io/s/vibrant-hermann-157ez?file=/src/App.js