I've recently become familiar with Reflection
, and have been experimenting with it, especially getDocComment()
, however it appears that it only supports /** */
comment blocks.
/** foobar */
class MyClass{}
$refl = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
// produces /** foobar */
echo $refl->getDocComment();
# foobar
class MyClass{}
$refl = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
// produces nothing
echo $refl->getDocComment();
Is it not possible to capture this without resorting to any sort of file_get_contents(__FILE__)
As per dader51's answer, I suppose my best approach would be something along these lines:
// random comment
* another comment with a # hash
#[another annotation]
= array_filter(token_get_all(file_get_contents(__FILE__)), function(&$token){
return (($token[0] == T_COMMENT) && ($token = strstr($token[1], '#')));
[4] => #[annotation]
[8] => #[another annotation]
DocComments distinguish themselves by saying something about how your classes are to be used, compared to regular comments that could assist a developer in reading the code. That's also why the method isn't called getComment()
Of course it's all text parsing, and someone just made a choice in docComments always being these multiline comments, but that choice has apparently been made, and reading regular comments is not something in the reflection category.