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How can I request parameters in c# controller from Angular? (no url concatenation)

I have a general question and I can't seem to find any answer in other topics. So I'll show my code here: This is my register.component.ts:

email = this.registerForm.controls['email'].value;
password = this.registerForm.controls['password'].value;
// call RegisterController'api/register', params).subscribe(params => {
      this.router.navigate(['']); // redirect to login
      error => console.log(error)

This is my C# Controller:

public void Register(string email = "", string password = "")
    email = Request.Query["email"].ToString().Trim();
    password = Request.Query["password"].ToString().Trim();



My question is: how can I pass input values for email and password from angular to c#? Everytime in my controller I get "".


  • Just create a model in your backend to pass it to your controller, something like:

    public class RegisterModel {
        public string Email { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }

    and in your controller you pass it

    public void Register([FromBody]RegisterModel model)
        email = model.Email;
        password = model.Password;

    Note that we are adding [FromBody] attribute to tell asp that the content is not coming as part of the url params