The goal is to provide percent availability. I would like to check every 15 minutes if the unique count for server1, server2, and server3 is equal to 3 for each interval (indicating the system is fully healthy). From this count I want to check on the average for whatever time period is selected in splunk to output an average and convert to percent.
index="os" sourcetype=ps host="server1" OR host="server2" OR host="server3"
| search "/logs/temp/random/path" OR "application_listener"
| dedup host
| timechart span=30m count
The count should be 3 for each interval.
It's not clear how much of your requirements the example SPL solves, so I'll assume it does nothing.
Having dedup
followed by timechart
means the timechart
command will only see 3 events - one for each host. That doesn't make for a helpful chart. I suggest using dc(host)
, instead to get a count of hosts for each interval.
The appendpipe
command can be used to add average and percentage values on the end.
index="os" sourcetype=ps host="server1" OR host="server2" OR host="server3"
| search "/logs/temp/random/path" OR "application_listener"
| timechart span=30m dc(host) as count
| appendpipe [ stats avg(count) as Avg | eval Pct=round(Avg*100/3,2) ]