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Chaining two API calls in Angular NGRX Effect

I am trying to resolve a small issue but getting no where with it. I have an effect which gets called with payload. I need to call an API for result and then pass that result and the payload in to another API. What i have tried so far is as follow which is not working as it says the action should return a type.

  fetchSomething$ = this.actions
    .map(action => action)
    .switchMap(payload => Observable.forkJoin([
    .switchMap(data => {
      const [action, xyz] = data;
      return this.postsService
            map(async (response: any) => {
              if (response.res) {
                const result = + " - " + Xyz;
                action.payload.result = result;
              return new fromProfileAction.FetchPostSuccess(action.payload);
            catchError(err => of(new fromProfileAction.FetchPostFailure({ err })))

Any pointer in right direction.


  • fetchSomething$ = this.actions
        .map(action => action.payload)
        .switchMap(payload => this.xyzService.getXyz(payload)))
        .switchMap(data => {      
          return this.postsService
                map(async (response: any) => {
                  if (response.res) {
                    const result = + " - " + Xyz;
                    action.payload.result = result;
                  return new fromProfileAction.FetchPostSuccess(action.payload);
                catchError(err => of(new fromProfileAction.FetchPostFailure({ err })))