My Groovy script looks like
def statuses = []
def item = []
def items = []
def payload = []
1.upto(1, { index ->
def data = new File('/Users/my/Desktop/items.csv').readLines().get(index).split(',')
def a = [:]
a.put('1', 5)
a.put('2', 4)
def attr = [:]
attr.put('3', data[3].toInteger())
def attributes = [:]
attributes.put('4', statuses)
attributes.put('5', attr)
1.upto(1, { index ->
def data = new File('/Users/my/Desktop/locations.csv').readLines().get(index).split(',')
def attr = [:]
attr.put('6', item)
attr.put('7', data[1].toInteger())
def attributes = [:]
attributes.put('param', items)
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(payload)
Result is payload for my http request
"param": [
"6": [
"4": [
"1": 5,
"2": 4
"5": {
"3": 101
"7": 20
The problem is when I prepare JsonBuilder(payload), def payload is array (def payload = []) As result I have those format of nesting
What should I do, to make my payload nesting without [] bracers? Like this:
def payload = [:]
payload.put('param', your_request_body)
You need to use a LazyMap in order to generate a JSON Object, not a JSON Array.
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