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How to generate the pagination links in Fluid by myself

I have an TYPO3 extension which shows a list of records. As it are more than 40 pages I would like to provide an additional alphabetic index which enables visitors to jump directly to the beginning of a character.

In general all is working - except the link to the n-th page.

I have the fluid variables cur containing current character (e.g. M) and the necessary page number in pageNumber (e.g. 23).

How can I get the correct url which should look like: https://mydomain.tld/path/to/list?tx_myextension_myextension[@widget_0][currentPage]=23&cHash=a6193a7eab129df4789343911221584b#jumplabel_M


<a class="page-link" href="{{tx_myextension_myextension{@widget_0:{currentPage:pageNumber}}})}#jmplabel_{cur}">{cur}</a>


<a class="page-link" href="{{tx_myextension_myextension[@widget_0][currentPage]:pageNumber})}#jmplabel_{cur}">{cur}</a>

call the VH. The result is an unreplaced string in the href-parameter.

<a class="page-link" href="{}?tx_phonebook_phonebook[@widget_0][currentPage]={pageNumber}#jmplabel_{cur}">{cur}</a>

looks ok, but misses the cHash and therefore results in 404 page not found.


  • Check how Georg Ringer does it in his News extension. Actually that's a solution for your pagination.


    public function render()
        $page = (int)$this->arguments['page'];
        if ($page === 0) {
            return [];
        $params = [
            'tx_news_pi1' => [
                '@widget_0' => [
                    'currentPage' => $page
        return $params;

    And in some template:, especially additionalParams key.

    < data="{container:recordId,link:'{t:uri.ajaxAction(contextRecord:\'tt_content:{recordId}\', pluginName: \'pi1\',additionalParams:\'{n:widget.ajax.paginateAdditionalParams(page:0)}\')}'}">
        <f:translate key="paginate_previous" />