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Understand take effect in redux saga work?

I am building an app following by a course on youtube. but am not really understand the take effect work. I know the take effect pause until action is received.


function* watchStatsRequest() {
  while (true) {
    const { images } = yield take(IMAGES.LOAD_IMAGES_SUCCESS);
    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
      yield fork(handleStatsRequest, images[i].id);

how yield take(IMAGES.LOAD_IMAGES_SUCCESS) can return an array of images? my full code:


  • take waits for the IMAGES.LOAD_IMAGES_SUCCESS action to be dispatched and returns the action object once that action is dispatched. The action has the following structure (based on your sandbox)

        images: images,

    This statement

    const { images } = yield take(IMAGES.LOAD_IMAGES_SUCCESS);

    will take the images property from the action object through destructuring and return a variable called images which contains the data of the images property of the action object

    For simplicity, the code can be rewritten in this way

    //wait for IMAGES.LOAD_IMAGES_SUCCESS to be dispatched
    const action = yield take(IMAGES.LOAD_IMAGES_SUCCESS); 
    //assign the images property from the resulting action object to a new variable
    const images = action.images