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Installing package webr failed

I am having issues installing the 'webr' package in R, which is necessary to use the PieDonut function to make beautiful multi-level pie charts.

I have followed the instructions on this website, which demonstrates how to install the packages and work with it.

However, when installing the package 'webr' it says:

Failed to install 'webr' from GitHub:
  (converted from warning) package ‘mnormt’ is not available (for R version 3.6.2)

It is necessary to install it from GitHub because the CRAN version does not include the PieDonut function.

I already tried to search for older versions of the package and made sure that my R version was up to date, however this did not result in any progress.

Does anybody have any suggestions to help me use this package?


  • You are on R 3.6.2, whereas mnormt requires R 4.0.0 or higher.

    Installing an older version of the package can go from easy to "I want to jump out the window" difficult. If you go to the package archive you can find a version that will not depend on newer version of R than you have. You can install it from source with, if I remember correctly, something along the lines of

                     repos = NULL, 
                     type = "source")

    Assuming all its dependencies do not require something you do not have (i.e. R >= 4.0.0), it should work. If not, you would have to install mnormt dependecies by hand as well, as well as any potential dependencies of dependencies. See what I mean by jumping out of the window?

    Alternatively, upgrade your R and you avoid these kinds of problems (in 99.9 % of the time).