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CodeMirror Line-Break doesn't add line number - Angular

I'm using code mirror from ngx-codemirror. I want to split the line when it fits to the width of the parent. I have found some solutions to split the like using,

lineWrapping: true

and in styles

.CodeMirror-wrap pre {
  word-break: break-word;

Using this I was able to split the line but I need to show the line number too. The line number is not shown for the line that was just split. This is the stackblitz link to my issue : code-mirror-line-break-issue

Screenshot : enter image description here

Please help me with this.


  • This is not feasible using Code Mirror options, as this is something that is a bit counter intuitive that is rarely (ever?) wanted.

    Like I said in my comment, say 2 persons discussing on a phone/web chat about a piece of code/json. They will not see the same thing when one mentions a line number to the other if they have different windows/screen sizes


    As a hack, you can create your own elements representing line numbers and place them over the default line numbers.

    Here is the stackblitz demo

    Note: This a a very basic example. If you change code mirror settings (font size, gutters,...), you might need to tweak the css or do more calculation based on these settings.


    <div class='codeMirrorContainer'>
    <ul class='lineContainer' []="-topPosition">
      <li [style.width.px]='lineWidth' *ngFor="let line of lines">{{line}}</li>


      height: 19px;
      list-style: none;
      overflow: hidden;
      margin: 0;
        padding: 5px 0 0 0;
      text-align: center;
    ::ng-deep .CodeMirror-linenumber
      visibility: hidden; /* Hides default line numbers */


    export class AppComponent
      @ViewChild('codeMirror') codeMirrorCmpt: CodemirrorComponent;
      private lineHeight: number;
      public lineWidth;
      public topPosition: number;
      public lines = [];
      codeMirrorOptions: any = ....;
      codeObj :any = ...;
      constructor(private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef)
        this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror.on('refresh', () => this.refreshLines());
        this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror.on('scroll', () => this.refreshLines());
        setTimeout(() => this.refreshLines(), 500)
        let editor = this.codeMirrorCmpt.codeMirror;
        let height = editor.doc.height;
        this.lineHeight = editor.display.cachedTextHeight ? editor.display.cachedTextHeight : this.lineHeight;
        if (!this.lineHeight)
        let nbLines = Math.round(height / this.lineHeight);
        this.lines = Array(nbLines).fill(0).map((v, idx) => idx + 1);
        this.lineWidth = editor.display.lineNumWidth;
        this.topPosition = document.querySelector('.CodeMirror-scroll').scrollTop;