I'm trying to implement a title service for my angular 10 app. I need to subscribe to router events, grab the activated route's component, see if it implements title()
getter and then use it to set the page's title. Sounds easy...
The code:
filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd),
map(() => this.rootRoute(this.route)),
filter((route: ActivatedRoute) => route.outlet === "primary"),
(route: ActivatedRoute) =>
ComponentWithTitleBase.isPrototypeOf(route.component as any)
map((route) => (route.component as unknown) as ComponentWithTitleBase),
.subscribe((comp: ComponentWithTitleBase) => {
this.titleSvc.title = comp.title;
But the comp.title
is ALWAYS undefined. Even though the component does implement get title()
export class AboutComponent extends ComponentWithTitleBase implements OnInit {
get title(): string {
return "About the demo";
I see that console.dir
outputs AboutComponent. What am I missing here?
Based on @yurzui's idea, you can use a directive for this:
selector: 'router-outlet'
export class ActivatedComponentsDirective {
constructor(r: RouterOutlet, titleService: TitleService) {
// takeUntil(r.destroyed),
).subscribe(compInstance => compInstance.title && titleService.newTitle(compInstance.title))
ngOnDestroy () {
// destroyed.next;
// destroyed.complete();
providedIn: 'root'
export class TitleService {
private src = new Subject<string>();
newTitle (t: string) {
constructor() { this.initConsumer() }
private initConsumer () {
/* ... */
).subscribe(title => {
console.log('new title', title);