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Which SharePoint API to use JSOM or REST?

I am a SharePoint novice and need help to determine which api set to use. I have given task to develop an outlook web add-in which will be side loaded to client's computer. This add-in will perform search on SharePoint lists and access content types and allow to move emails to SharePoint.

I have two options from what Choose the right API set tells me, REST OR JSOM. It says to use JSOM but I am favoring little towards using REST.

My Concerns using REST is if it supports

  1. External content types. I used Microsoft.BusinessData.MetadataModel.Entity in .NET CSOM?
  2. Managed Meta Data/TaxonomyFieldTypes?

Are there any benefits of using one on another?

Really appreciate any comments or suggestions :)

Thanks for reading.


  • Yes,rest support both of them.

    rest update managed matadata: