I'm using a Jmeter 5.3, and a need send PUT request with PathVariable AND RequestParam in the same endpoint.
@RequestMapping(value = "/authorize/{iduser}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public ResponseEntity<Void> authorizeUser(
@PathVariable Integer iduser,
@RequestParam(value = "idstore") Integer idstore,
@RequestParam(value = "typerequest") Integer type)
{ ...
I use a HTTP REQUEST component
PUT -> <URL>/authorize/${iduser}
name | Value
idstore | 139
type | 1
But a receive 400 BAD REQUEST.
{"timestamp":1595881241767,"status":400,"error":"Bad Request",
"message":"Required Integer parameter 'idstore' is not present","path":"/authorize/175"}
any suggestion ?
Put the parameters as part of the path:
PUT -> <URL>/authorize/${iduser}?idstore=139&typerequest=1
also maybe you need to send Content-type header with application/json