Trying to prove the following assertion:
equalityCommutesNat : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n = m -> m = n
I found plusCommutes
in the libraries but nothing for equality.
The only inhabitant of =
is Refl : (a = a)
, so if you pattern match, you'll get evidence that n
is m
Which means you can then use Refl
, since Idris's pattern matching now knows they're the same:
equalityCommutesNat : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> n = m -> m = n
equalityCommutesNat _ _ Refl = Refl
And you can play around with this in the REPL:
> equalityCommutesNat 1 1 Refl
Refl : 1 = 1