I have users table and redemptions Table. So for security reasons we have encrypted our users table email and mobile column.
User Table columns before encryption:
id | mobile | email | name |
User Table columns after encryption:
id | name | email_ciphertext | mobile_ciphertext | email_bidx | mobile_bidx
has_many :redemptions
belongs_to :User
So In one place I wanted to get Redemption information along with User details. My query before encrypting the User's mobile and email was
Redemption.joins(:user).group('users.id, users.mobile').select('users.id AS uid, users.name AS uname, users.email AS uemail, users.mobile AS umobile, count(distinct(redemptions.id)) AS total)
So this would give me Users and their redemptions count. Now that I have encrypted my data using Lockbox and BlindIndex and dropped both email and mobile column from users table, what approach should I follow to achieve the same result for the above query.
If you're trying to get redemption count by user, you can do:
redemptions_by_user_id = Redemption.joins(:user).group("users.id").distinct.count
Then query the user information in a separate query.
users = User.where(id: redemptions_by_user_id.keys)
Then combine them
users.each do |user|
puts "#{user.id} #{user.email} #{user.phone} #{redemptions_by_user_id[user.id]}"