I have a ps script which will ask for a number, then search for that number in a location with 1000s of files, copy those file names having those number and then output it to a file. That number is also saved in a txt file in a different location, from which I manually copy and insert into this script. Is it possible to make the script read from the 2nd line onwards of the file containing the number, then search for that number within files, like it is doing now? This is the code I am using:-
$Path = "D:\Projects\MSMQ Journal Messages\PurchaseManagementPO"
$Text = Read-Host -Prompt "PO Number"
$PathArray = @()
$Results = "D:\Chayan\POmiss\miss.txt"
# This code snippet gets all the files in $Path that end in ".xml".
Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter "*.xml" |
Where-Object { $_.Attributes -ne "Directory"} |
ForEach-Object {
If (Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Text)
$PathArray += $_.FullName
$PathArray += $_.FullName
Write-Host "Contents of ArrayPath:"
$PathArray | % {$_} | Out-File "D:\Chayan\POmiss\miss.txt" -Append
I manually put these number in the read-host to do the search and save file name. Is there a way powershell can copy these numbers from this file and do the task?
#we clear this variable so it can be run multiple times in the same session
clear-variable final -ErrorAction Ignore
#grab txt file content and split into an array
[array]$txt=(get-content "D:\Chayan\POmiss\miss.txt") -split " "
#take out the blanks and assign to new variable called final (we clear this above so it can be run multiple times in the same session)
foreach($line in $txt){
if($line.replace(" ","")){
#run script, calling the variable $text in place of the numbers
foreach($text in $final){
(your normal script here)