I have a background in frame-based ontologies, in which classes represent concepts and there's no restriction against assertion of class:class relationships.
I am now working with an OWL2 ontology and trying to determine the best/recommended way to represent "canonical part-of" relationships - conceptually, these are relationships that are true, by definition, of the things represented by each class (i.e., all instances). The part-of relationship is transitive, and I want to take advantage of that so that I'd be able to query the ontology for "all parts of (a canonical) X".
For example, I might want to represent:
and then query transitively, using SPARQL, for parts of cars, getting back both engine and piston. Note that I want to be able to represent individual cars later (and be able to deduce their parts by reference to their rdf:type
), and of course I want to be able to represent sub-classes of cars as well, so I can't model the above-described classes as individuals - they must be classes.
It seems that I have 3 options using OWL, none ideal. Is one of these recommended (or are any discouraged), and am I missing any?
rdfs:subClassOf(engine, someValuesFrom(partOf, car))
rdfs:subClassOf(piston, someValuesFrom(partOf, engine))
The major drawback of the above is that there's no way in SPARQL to query transitively over the partOf relationship, since it's embedded in an OWL restriction. I would need some kind of generalized recursion feature in SPARQL - or I would need the following rule, which is not part of any standard OWL profile as far as I can tell:
antecedent (body):
subClassOf(B, (P some A) ^
subClassOf(C, (P some B) ^
consequent (head):
subClassOf(C, (P some A))
, the following SPARQL snippet would not bind six_cylinder_engine
:?part (rdfs:subClassOf*/partOf*)+ car
I think you have performed a good analysis of the problem and the advantages/disadvantages of different approaches. I don't know if any one is discouraged or encouraged. IMHO this problem has not received sufficient attention, and is a bigger problem in some domains than others (I work in bio-ontologies which frequently use partonomies, and hence this is very important).
For 1, your rule is valid and justified by OWL semantics. There are other ways to implement this using OWL reasoners, as well as RDF-level reasoners. For example, using the ROBOT command line wrapper to the OWLAPI, you can run the reason command using an Expression Materializing Reasoner. E.g
robot reason --exclude-tautologies true --include-indirect true -r emr -i engine.owl -o engine-reasoned.owl
This will give you an axiom piston subClassOf partOf some car
that can be queried using a non-transitive SPARQL query.
The --exclude-tautologies
removes inferences to owl:Thing
, and --include-indirect
will include transitive inferences.
For your option 2, you have to be careful in that you may introduce incorrect inferences. For example, assume there are some engines without pistons, i.e. engine SubClassOf inverse(part_of) some piston
does not hold. However, in your punned shadow world, this would be entailed. This may or may not be a problem depending on your use case.
A variant of your 2 is to introduce different mapping rules for layering OWL T-Tboxes onto RDF, such as described in my OWLStar proposal. With this proposal, existentials would be mapped to direct triples, but there is another mechanism (e.g. reification) to indicate the intended quantification. This allows writing rules that are both safe (no undesired inferences) and complete (for anything expressible in OWL-RL). Here there is no punning (under the alternative RDF to OWL interpretation). You can also use the exact same transitive SPARQL query you wrote to get the desired results.