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How do I load the two stages of a saved Faster R-CNN separately in TF Object Detection 2.0?

I trained a Faster R-CNN from the TF Object Detection API and saved it using I have the following directory structure:


I would like to load the first and second stages of the model separately. That is, I would like the following two models:

  1. A model containing each variable in the scope FirstStageFeatureExtractor which accepts an image (or serialized as input, and outputs the feature map and RPN proposals.

  2. A model containing each variable in the scopes SecondStageFeatureExtractor and SecondStageBoxPredictor which accepts a feature map and RPN proposals as input, and outputs the bounding box predictions and scores.

I basically want to be able to call _predict_first_stage and _predict_second_stage separately on my input data.

Currently, I only know how to load the entire model:

model = tf.saved_model.load("weights/saved_model")
model = model.signatures["serving_default"]

EDIT 6/7/2020: For Model 1, I may be able to extract detection_features as in this question, but I'm still not sure about Model 2.


  • This was more difficult when Object Detection was only compatible with TF1, but is now pretty simple in TF2. There's a good example in this colab.

    from import model_builder
    from object_detection.utils import config_util
    # Set path names
    model_name = 'centernet_hg104_512x512_kpts_coco17_tpu-32'
    pipeline_config = os.path.join('models/research/object_detection/configs/tf2/',
                                    model_name + '.config')
    model_dir = 'models/research/object_detection/test_data/checkpoint/'
    # Load pipeline config and build a detection model
    configs = config_util.get_configs_from_pipeline_file(pipeline_config)
    model_config = configs['model']
    detection_model =, 
    # Restore checkpoint
    ckpt = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(
    ckpt.restore(os.path.join(model_dir, 'ckpt-0')).expect_partial()

    From here one can call detection_model.predict() and associated methods such as _predict_first_stage and _predict_second_stage.