We used workflow variables in DDX assembler with Livecycle ES4 JEE. Like this:
<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
<PDF result = "myPDF">
<Watermark scale="70%" verticalOffset="-85pt" opacity="100%">
<PDF source = "docLoteDeclaracoes" pages="{$/process_data/@intPagina$}"/>
<PDF source = "docModeloAnexo"/>
<?ddx-source-hint name = "docLoteDeclaracoes"?>
<?ddx-source-hint name = "docModeloAnexo"?>
In this code workflow process put value of page to be extracted from "docLoteDeclaracoes" in variable intPaginas.
I need to do similar thing using AEM Forms OSGI workflow, but this form to reference variables don't working.
Any one know how reference OSGI workflow variables in DDX document?
I am using AEM Forms 6.5
This is other solution for this case.
<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
<PDF result = "doc.pdf">
<PDF source = "docLoteDeclaracoes" pages="1"/>
<?ddx-source-hint name = "docLoteDeclaracoes"?>