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kable indent rows with specific hspace for all columns

The following code add indentations to the 2nd & 4th rows for first column only.

knitr::kable(head(mtcars[ ,1:4]), "latex") %>% 
  add_indent(positions = c(2, 4))

Wondering how to add indentations of specific hspace to the 2nd & 4th rows for all columns. Something like this

knitr::kable(head(mtcars[ ,1:4]), "latex") %>% 
  add_indent(positions = c(2, 4), hspace = "2em", allCols = TRUE)


  • We can write a version of the add_indent function that adds this option. Doing it this way ensures that kable options such as digits are applied consistently in each row.

    add_indent = function(kable_input, positions, allCols = FALSE) {
      out = kableExtra::add_indent(kable_input, positions)
      if (allCols){  
        table_info <- magic_mirror(kable_input)
        for (i in positions + table_info$position_offset) {
          rowtext <- table_info$contents[i]
          table_info$contents[i] <- gsub(' &', paste(' &', kableExtra:::latex_indent_unit('')), rowtext)
          out <- gsub(rowtext, table_info$contents[i], out, fixed = T)
        out <- structure(out, format = "latex", class = "knitr_kable")
        attr(out, "kable_meta") <- table_info
    kable(head(mtcars[ ,1:4]), "latex", align = 'l') %>% 
      add_indent(positions = c(2, 4), allCols = T)

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