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Conditionally Render parent component screen on child component a Form onSubmit() call. (w/ react-redux)

I have a parent component that displays a form when a button is clicked. This button marked (+) (see Image 1) will cause a "Create a new Course" child component to be displayed. I am trying to hide this child component after the user makes a "Create Course" submission (see Image 2).

Current method I am displaying here is to assigning a "onClick" functionin the child component form that triggers a parent function to toggle the form to hide. However, the child form apparently can't handle both a "onSubmit" function and "onClick" button function at the same time.

Any suggestions or advice would be most welcome.

Image 1 Image 1

Image 2 Image 2


class ContentCreation extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.toggleCreateCourseFormOpen = this.toggleCreateCourseFormOpen.bind(this);
        this.state = {
            createCourseFormOpen: false,  <---- USED TO INDICATE IF THE CHILD FORM SHOULD BE DISPLAYED OR NOT


    //Toggles the "createCourseFormOpen variable from false to true; or from true to false//
    toggleCreateCourseFormOpen() {

            this.setState({createCourseFormOpen: !this.state.createCourseFormOpen})


    render() {


            return ( 


                    <div className='row center center-align'>
                        <h4>List of Your Courses</h4>
                            <div className='col l12 s12 m12'>
                            <button className='btn btn-floating custom-orange lighten-1' onClick={this.toggleCreateCourseFormOpen}>{this.state.createCourseFormOpen ? '-' : '+'}</button>
                                {this.state.createCourseFormOpen ? <CreateCourseForm triggerToggleCreateCourseFormOpen={this.toggleCreateCourseFormOpen} /> : ''}
                                            {/* Passing down the courses from the courseReducer into the "CourseList" component. */}

                                        <CourseList courses={courses}/>




(.... Rest Of Code ....)

CHILD (CreateCourseForm.js) COMPONENT

    //Function used when user submits a create course request.
    handleSubmit = (e) => {



    render() {

        return (

            <div className='container selection create-course green'>

                        <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} className='white'>
                            <h5 className='grey-text text-darken-3'>Create a new Course</h5>
                            {/* Input field for Course Name*/}
                            <div className='input-field'>
                                <label htmlFor='courseName'>Course Name</label>
                                <input type='text' id='courseName' onChange={this.handleChange}/>

                            {/* Input field for Course Details*/}
                            <div className='input-field'>
                                <label htmlFor='courseDescription'>Course Description</label>
                                <textarea className='materialize-textarea' id='courseDescription' onChange={this.handleChange}>

                            {/* Button used to create the new course.*/}
                            <div className='input-field'>
                                <button onClick={this.props.triggerToggleCreateCourseFormOpen} className='btn custom-orange lighten-1 z-depth-0'>Create Course</button>





(.... Rest of Code .... )


  • I think the best solution is to listen one event.

      handleSubmit = (e) => {

    If you want your code to work. You need to add the type(type="submit"):

    <div className='input-field'>
                                    <button type="submit" onClick={this.props.triggerToggleCreateCourseFormOpen} className='btn custom-orange lighten-1 z-depth-0'>Create Course</button>