I am fitting a model in a for loop, but I am getting an error that my GPU's memory is full. I am using Keras in Anaconda Spyder IDE. My GPU is a Asus GTX 1060 6gb.
I have also used codes like: K.clear_session()
, gc.collect()
, tf.reset_default_graph()
, del custom_model but none of them worked.
GPU properties say's 98% of memory is full:
Nothing flush GPU memory except numba.cuda.close()
but will not allow me to use my GPU again. The only way to clear it is restarting kernel and rerun my code.
I am looking for any script code to add my code allow me to use my code in for loop and clear GPU in every loop.
Wrap up the model creation and training part in a function then use subprocess for the main work. When training is done, subprocess will be terminated and GPU memory will be free.
something like:
import multiprocessing
def create_model_and_train( ):
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=create_model_and_train)
Or you can create below function and call it before each run:
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import clear_session
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import get_session
import tensorflow
import gc
# Reset Keras Session
def reset_keras():
sess = get_session()
sess = get_session()
del classifier # this is from global space - change this as you need
print(gc.collect()) # if it does something you should see a number as output
# use the same config as you used to create the session
config = tensorflow.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 1
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = "0"