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Spring Serverless HTTP Poller

I want to implement a serverless function that polls an HTTP endpoint and publishes the response to a messaging queue.

My initial thought is to build a spring boot application using spring integration gateway and adapters for HTTP polling and publishing to queue (and deploy as lambda). Is there a better option in the spring stack?

I looked at spring cloud function, spring cloud stream, spring cloud task. Any suggestions?


  • In Spring Cloud Stream this type of microservice is called source. So, you need to have a Supplier bean based on Spring Integration Java DSL to build a simple flow to let Spring Cloud Stream to poll it periodically and produce a result into bound destination.

    Something like this:

        public IntegrationFlow pollingHttpFlow() {
            return IntegrationFlows
                    .from(Supplier.class, gateway -> gateway.beanName("httpSupplier"))

    See a blog post about this kind of interoperability: