I'm using the django framework. I'm trying to create an index in the Azure portal using the REST api tutorial they have provided. I'm getting the following error when I send my post request.
JSONDecodeError at /createIndex
This is my method.
def createIndex(request):
endpoint = 'https://service.search.windows.net/'
api_version = '2020-06-30'
url = endpoint + "indexes" + api_version
index_schema = {
"name": "hotels-quickstar11t",
"fields": [
{"name": "HotelId", "type": "Edm.String", "key": "true", "filterable": "true"},
{"name": "HotelName", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "false", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "false"},
{"name": "Description", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "false", "sortable": "false", "facetable": "false", "analyzer": "en.lucene"},
{"name": "Description_fr", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "false", "sortable": "false", "facetable": "false", "analyzer": "fr.lucene"},
{"name": "Category", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "Tags", "type": "Collection(Edm.String)", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "false", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "ParkingIncluded", "type": "Edm.Boolean", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "LastRenovationDate", "type": "Edm.DateTimeOffset", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "Rating", "type": "Edm.Double", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "Address", "type": "Edm.ComplexType",
"fields": [
{"name": "StreetAddress", "type": "Edm.String", "filterable": "false", "sortable": "false", "facetable": "false", "searchable": "true"},
{"name": "City", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "StateProvince", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "PostalCode", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"},
{"name": "Country", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": "true", "filterable": "true", "sortable": "true", "facetable": "true"}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'api-key': '******'}
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=index_schema)
index = response.json()
return HttpResponse(response)
Any idea whats wrong with my method?
fyi; I have masked my api key, and service name. They are valid, as they work for other methods.
I believe the issue is with the following line of your code:
url = endpoint + "indexes" + api_version
If you notice, you're missing a ?
and api-version=
query parameter (you're just including the api version value).
Please change the above line of code to
url = endpoint + "indexes?api-version=" + api_version
and that should fix the problem.