Search code examples

How To Use The Same GraphQL Query Multiple Times In A Single API Call. Amplify, DynamoDB

The user will input multiple usernames and I would like to search my DynamoDB table for all each user's id in a single API call. The following is the important portion of the graphql user schema:

type User
  @key(name: "byName", fields: ["username"], queryField: "findUsername")
  id: ID!
  email: AWSEmail!
  username: String!
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  createdAt: AWSDateTime
  updatedAt: AWSDateTime

I would like to create a query which takes the list of usernames and returns each user's user id in a single api call. I am not sure how to dynamically and separately add the usernames to a query. Btw, I am using aws-amplify to help with dynamodb and graphql. This is also a React Native project.


  • You can run multiple queries and mutations using batch operations in AWS AppSync. Eg: BatchGetItem

    type Post {
        id: ID!
        title: String
    type Query {
        batchGet(ids: [ID]): [Post]

    Sample query

    query get {


    #set($ids = [])
    #foreach($id in ${ctx.args.ids})
        #set($map = {})
        $util.qr($map.put("id", $util.dynamodb.toString($id)))
        "version" : "2018-05-29",
        "operation" : "BatchGetItem",
        "tables" : {
            "Posts": {
                "keys": $util.toJson($ids),
                "consistentRead": true



    For more details check out this tutorial.