I'm manually (in code that is) loading in a windows PE file and executing it succesfully with a call to its entry point as defined in the structure "IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32". However as this value is a void returned function how do we 'read' the exit/return code that it provides?
i.e. when i call this (which is the PE file's entry point)
Where does it place/put the exit code from its 'int main(...)' or 'int winmain(...)' call?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: For clarification (see comments below). My Application loads an exe directly into memory using VirtualAllocEx and not any NtCreateProcess methods.
With thanks to "Eryk Sun" above, his solution was correct and this code does in fact work..
// call the entry point :: here we assume that everything is ok.
DWORD exit;
GetExitCodeProcess(GetModuleHandle(NULL), &exit);