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Fixing probabilities, which do not sum to 1 in the matrix of words

I created a matrix, using answers from these questions - question 1 and question 2. Similar questions about this error did not help to resolve.

But probabilities exceed 1 - ValueError: probabilities do not sum to 1

Please let me know how can I share with you a piece of the df for the reproducibility.

I generated the concurrence matrix, using this code

# Create matrix
my_df = pd.DataFrame(0, columns = words, index = words)
for k,v in frequency_list.items():[k[0],k[1]] = v

which gives me the matrix 10000*10000.

Then I converted into frequencies

row_sums = my_df.values.sum(axis = 1)
row_sums[row_sums == 0] = 1
my_prob = my_df/row_sums.reshape((-1,1)) 

When I print one word


I have a probability above 1.

“thy               0.000000
“till              0.002538
**“to              1.109681**

Tried to normalize

Pick the word the and generate a list

word_the = my_string_prob['the'].tolist()

Try to normalize probabilities

sum_of_elements = sum(word_the)
a = 1/sum_of_elements
my_probs_scaled = [e*a for e in word_the]
### Output 1.000000000000005

This code worked on a smaller matrix, which was not so big and complex in one of questions above. Thanks!


  • You can control the precision of your floating point numbers using decimal in python. Consider the following as an example:

    from decimal import Decimal as D
    from decimal import getcontext
    getcontext().prec = 8
    word_the = [9, 4, 5, 4]
    sum_of_elements = sum(word_the)
    a = D(1/sum_of_elements)
    my_probs_scaled = [D(e)*a for e in word_the]

    And the output is:

    [Decimal('0.40909091'), Decimal('0.18181818'), Decimal('0.22727273'), Decimal('0.18181818')]

    You can play around with the parameters, including the precision.