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How do include multiple favicons in the webpack build w/ HTML Webpack Plugin?

I have tried including a wildcard, which broke the build; and multiple favicon field entries, which just used the last one entered. How do I support including multiple favicon files using this plugin?


  • You'll need to also include the favicons-webpack-plugin to automatically generate all the favicons you need. the html-webpack-plugin doesn't automatically do that by default.

    npm install --save-dev favicons-webpack-plugin
    plugins: [
      new FaviconsWebpackPlugin({
        // Your source logo (required)
        logo: './src/logo.png',
        // Enable caching and optionally specify the path to store cached data
        // Note: disabling caching may increase build times considerably
        cache: true,
        // Override the publicPath option usually read from webpack configuration
        publicPath: '/static',
        // The directory to output the assets relative to the webpack output dir.
        // Relative string paths are allowed here ie '../public/static'. If this
        // option is not set, `prefix` is used.
        outputPath: '/public/static',
        // Prefix path for generated assets
        prefix: 'assets/',
        // Inject html links/metadata (requires html-webpack-plugin).
        // This option accepts arguments of different types:
        //  * boolean
        //    `false`: disables injection
        //    `true`: enables injection if that is not disabled in html-webpack-plugin
        //  * function
        //    any predicate that takes an instance of html-webpack-plugin and returns either
        //    `true` or `false` to control the injection of html metadata for the html files
        //    generated by this instance.
        inject: true,
        // Favicons configuration options (see below)
        favicons: {

    And then include just the explicit favicon configuration you want, which is available from the favicon npm package:

    favicons {
            path: "/",                                // Path for overriding default icons path. `string`
            appName: null,                            // Your application's name. `string`
            appShortName: null,                       // Your application's short_name. `string`. Optional. If not set, appName will be used
            appDescription: null,                     // Your application's description. `string`
            developerName: null,                      // Your (or your developer's) name. `string`
            developerURL: null,                       // Your (or your developer's) URL. `string`
            dir: "auto",                              // Primary text direction for name, short_name, and description
            lang: "en-US",                            // Primary language for name and short_name
            background: "#fff",                       // Background colour for flattened icons. `string`
            theme_color: "#fff",                      // Theme color user for example in Android's task switcher. `string`
            appleStatusBarStyle: "black-translucent", // Style for Apple status bar: "black-translucent", "default", "black". `string`
            display: "standalone",                    // Preferred display mode: "fullscreen", "standalone", "minimal-ui" or "browser". `string`
            orientation: "any",                       // Default orientation: "any", "natural", "portrait" or "landscape". `string`
            scope: "/",                               // set of URLs that the browser considers within your app
            start_url: "/?homescreen=1",              // Start URL when launching the application from a device. `string`
            version: "1.0",                           // Your application's version string. `string`
            logging: false,                           // Print logs to console? `boolean`
            pixel_art: false,                         // Keeps pixels "sharp" when scaling up, for pixel art.  Only supported in offline mode.
            loadManifestWithCredentials: false,       // Browsers don't send cookies when fetching a manifest, enable this to fix that. `boolean`
            icons: {
                // Platform Options:
                // - offset - offset in percentage
                // - background:
                //   * false - use default
                //   * true - force use default, e.g. set background for Android icons
                //   * color - set background for the specified icons
                //   * mask - apply mask in order to create circle icon (applied by default for firefox). `boolean`
                //   * overlayGlow - apply glow effect after mask has been applied (applied by default for firefox). `boolean`
                //   * overlayShadow - apply drop shadow after mask has been applied .`boolean`
                android: true,              // Create Android homescreen icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                appleIcon: true,            // Create Apple touch icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                appleStartup: true,         // Create Apple startup images. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                coast: true,                // Create Opera Coast icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                favicons: true,             // Create regular favicons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                firefox: true,              // Create Firefox OS icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                windows: true,              // Create Windows 8 tile icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
                yandex: true                // Create Yandex browser icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources