If we have such controller endpoint in Asp.Net Core:
public async Task<ActionResult> TestEndpoint([FromRoute] string someParam)
string someParamUrlDecoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(someParam);
// do stuff with url decoded param...
Is there some way to configure [FromRoute]
parsing behavior in such way that it will inject into someParam
already url decoded value?
One way to achieve whatever you're trying to do is to create a custom Attribute. Within the attribute you can essentially intercept the incoming parameter and perform whatever you need.
Attribute Definition:
public class DecodeQueryParamAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
string param = context.ActionArguments["param"] as string;
context.ActionArguments["param"] = "Blah"; // this is where your logic is going to sit
And within the controller, you'll need to decorate the action method with the attribute as done below. Route can be modified according to your need.
public void Process([FromRoute] string param)
// value of param here is 'Blah'
// Action method
As a word of caution, when you are going to have encoded strings being passed as query string parameters, you may want to check about allowing Double Escaping and its implications.