Normally we use the SAP-Hybris ant structures to build our system. It is getting a bit more complicated when we build dockerimages with that, so we want to wrap all this with gradle
ant.importBuild "${ProjectBaseDir}/bin/platform/build.xml"
repositories {
task run() {
doLast {
exec {
workingDir "${ProjectBaseDir}/bin/platform"
executable "./"
This is the first step we do .. import the ant script in gradle so that we have all tasks available in gradle as well. The next steps to build docker images would (in terms of ant) would be :
ant production -Dproduction.include.tomcat=false -Dproduction.legacy.mode=false -Dtomcat.legacy.deployment=false
followed by
ant createPlatformImageStructure
docker build -t platform .
I am thinking about defining a new task
task buildImage {
dependsOn 'production'
dependsOn 'createPlatformImageStructure'
doLast {
// do the docker stuff
But how do i incorporate the Parameters (ant production -Dproduction.include.tomcat=false -Dproduction.legacy.mode=false -Dtomcat.legacy.deployment=false
to 'production' ?
Update :
Ant Properties are handled now like this :
task dockerimage (dependsOn : production) {
doFirst {['production.include.tomcat'] = false['production.legacy.mode'] = false['tomcat.legacy.deployment'] = false[''] = false
Still no luck. When ant is running none of these settings a there
I also had to execute platform ant
commands from Gradle. I built a wrapper instead of importing scripts. It works fine, so I hope it will be useful for you. The wrapper is cross-platform.
- executes platform ant
binary on Unix/Linux#!/usr/bin/env sh
. ./
echo ''
echo Executing: ant $@
echo ''
ant $@
- executes platform ant
binary on Windows@echo off
call setantenv.bat
echo Executing: ant %*
ant %*
- executes platform scripts (I implemented only ant
, but you can add more)import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem
void platformScript(def parameters) {
def script = parameters['script'] ?: 'ant'
def arguments = parameters['arguments']
if (!(arguments instanceof Collection)) {
arguments = [arguments]
def args = []
def extension
if (OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
args << 'cmd'
args << '/c'
extension = 'bat'
} else {
extension = 'sh'
def scriptFile = "${rootProject.rootDir}/scripts/${script}.${extension}"
if (!scriptFile.exists()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Script \"${script}\" does not exist! Full path: ${scriptFile.absolutePath}")
args << scriptFile.absolutePath
if (OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) {
for (def argument in arguments) {
def index = argument.indexOf('=')
if (index == -1) {
args << argument
} else {
def name = argument.substring(0, index)
def value = argument.substring(index + 1).replace('\"', '\"\"')
args << "${name}=\"${value}\""
} else {
exec {
workingDir "${ProjectBaseDir}/bin/platform"
commandLine args
ext {
platformScript = this.&platformScript
Example build.gradle
apply from: "${rootProject.rootDir}/gradle/platformScript.gradle"
task cleanPlatform() {
doFirst {
// executes: ant clean
platformScript arguments: 'clean'
task production() {
doFirst {
// executes: ant production -Dproduction.include.tomcat=false ...
platformScript arguments: [